At Juice Plus+®, We Are Mission Driven
From our mission statement to our independent business model, we are dedicated to Inspiring Healthy Living Around the World. You’ll quickly discover why our company is attractive to others. Some people may join our mission right away, while others may join after experiencing the healthy effects of Juice Plus+. Being a positive example and living the mission in our daily lives is the best way to naturally attract the interest and attention of others. Help inspire others by following these seven steps.
Our Mission - Inspiring Healthy Living Around the World
Be an Example to Others. The Juice Plus+ Independent Virtual Franchise starts and ends with our mission of Inspiring Healthy Living Around the World. Being a positive example and living the mission in our daily lives is the best way to naturally attract the interest and attention of others. Help inspire others and follow these seven steps.
1. Live The Mission
BE AN EXAMPLE TO OTHERS: The Juice Plus+® independent business starts and ends with our mission of “Inspiring Healthy Living Around the World.” Being a positive example is the best way to do that,
and will naturally attract the interest and
attention of others.
2. Share Your Journey
LOOK FOR YOUR OPPORTUNITIES TO SHARE THE JUICE PLUS+ BRAND: Your next goal is to get others curious enough about what you’re doing to ask you about it. Social media such as Facebook is a perfect platform, but your person-to person conversations are just as important. Sharing things will create curiosity and generate questions.
3. Inspire One Simple Change
MAKE GOOD HEALTH SIMPLE WITH JUICE PLUS+: Juice Plus+® is “one simple change” that has jumpstarted thousands of people to feeling better and looking better. Juice Plus+® Complete® is another simple way to do so. As the Juice Plus+® Family Health Study demonstrates, adding Juice Plus+® to the diet creates other healthful changes.
4. Know Your Customer
DEFINE EXPECTATIONS: Once you’ve started your new customer on Juice Plus+®, it ‘s important that you define what kind of experience they’re looking for. Use the Juice Plus+® Experience Questionnaire to encourage “one simple change” to other aspects of their lifestyle.
5. Engage Your Customers
CREATE A POSITIVE JUICE PLUS+ EXPERIENCE WITH THE 30-DAY JUMPSTART: Once you know where your customer wants to go, use the One Simple Change Tracker to keep them engaged over those critical first 30 days. Emphasise the “Core Four” and how others are creating new habits to further enhance their health. Use our One Simple Change Resource Center for ideas to help you engage.
6. Create a Juice Plus+ "Raving Fan"
AFTER 30 DAYS REINFORCE THEIR DECISION TO TAKE JUICE PLUS+: The first 30 days are critical for establishing the Juice Plus®+ habit. Use the Juice Plus+® Experience Survey to show that Juice Plus+® and the other simple changes they’ve made are already starting to make a difference in how they look and feel. That 30-day mark is also a great time for your customer to add the next simple change.
7. Invite Your Customer To Join Our Mission
INSPIRE THEM TO JOIN YOU IN INSPIRING HEALTHY LIVING IN OTHERS: Many of your new “raving fans” will become interested in joining our mission. Some of them will become a Juice Plus+® Independent Virtual Franchisee and join your Juice Plus+® team. Even if they don’t choose to do that, they can become a valuable source of referrals.
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